About Us

nikki portraitI, Nikki, came to this dimensional plane on March 16, 1947. Yes, I was born a Pisces. Some of the characteristics of a Piscean helped me to overcome life’s challenges as well as helped me reconnect with Spirit.  I remained connected and felt and lived in the Oneness until the age of  reason. Then, of course, I was socialized into linear thinking, learned all  sorts of shoulds and was made to learn many lessons of old world patterns,  behaviors and beliefs that were thrown at me from  many sources for me to follow. I floundered and struggled attempting to  satisfy the rest of the world’s demands. It was not until fate took its course  and gave me some mercy that I began my  journey back to Wholeness. I  believe that Spirit interceded and taught me to erase most of those tapes  that kept me shackled. It was not until my middle thirties that  I started to come out of the darkness and began to know and think vertically,  reaching inward and upward. As  my path meandered through the maze of life it was in my darkest hours that I  found my greatest strength in my spirituality. Spirit helped me remember  by putting teachers in my path. I am especially grateful for the three daughters that I was given to nurture in this lifetime. I came to realize that they have been my greatest teachers. There were many other souls who came in and out of my life, some staying longer than others, teaching me to love myself and to trust The Creator. I soon realized that my skills lay in empowering  and nurturing others and I dedicated those skills to working in a shelter for  battered women where I taught empowerment and relationship skills but also  applied my inherent care-giver skills, as well. Being a Certified Social Worker of the State of Wisconsin, I later worked in service for people with mental  health problems with whom my Piscean qualities were again used on a daily  basis with an unconditional, loving kindness and respect that seemed to be appreciated by  those I encountered. I was attuned in Reiki I on April 13,1995. As synchronicity  would have it, I received Reiki II on the very same day of April in 1997. I went on to be attuned as Master Reiki  Practitioner on August 8, 1999.  I was attuned to Master Teacher in 2009.

john portraitJohn chose to come to this plane on the third day of April in the year 1944  at three am in South Shields near Newcastle, England. Those who knew him say he was uncommonly caring as a  youngster. At the age of six he joined St. John’s Ambulance Brigade learning  first-aide. Later he was a part of that Brigade to give first-aide to those in  need at public functions.  He became a Soccer  Coach which trained him in many ways, most of which are still useful today. As  a coach he took classes in physiotherapy which gave him knowledge of the  inter-workings of the human body. Working with the athletes also helped perfect  his communication skills, develop his insight for the need for discipline, as  well as develop patience and understanding. He began volunteering his time to  work with delinquent children and attended courses in counseling and behavioral  problems. He was nearly fifty years young when he was drawn to Spirit. At one of the many spiritual meetings he attended, someone mentioned spiritual healing and this took him on an entirely new path which led him to places where he talked and listened to many different  people about different kinds of therapies until finally he heard about Reiki.  It was then that he knew where Spirit had been leading him all his life. He  considers himself very fortunate in finding Patricia Pullen on his path who proved to John to be an exemplary  teacher, giving classes in Reiki and in Yoga as well as developing her  own flower essences for healing purposes. On September 19th 1998, she became  John’s Reiki Master attuning him to Seichem/Reiki Level I.   On the 21st of March of 1999 she attuned him to  Second Level Seichem Reiki and over three years later on the sixteenth of  August, 2002 she attuned him to his Third or Master/Teacher Level.